How to work with photographers at a wedding

Wedding Photographer

One Celebrant and hobby photographer looks at wedding photography from both sides to tell us how these two critical protagonists at your wedding can best work together. Great advice for couples and wedding professionals alike!

Vows with a Twist

Photo: Sidewayz Photography

How to work with wedding photographers

There are two people at your wedding who will hopefully perform services which will last for life and they are?? Yes! Your marriage Celebrant and your photographer!

How important is it for you, as bride and groom, to have fabulous photos from your wedding that catch all the little details that you spent months planning and organising?  I’m guessing it’s really important. There are all those other special moments that are not planned, but happen anyway, and it’s wonderful if they are also captured for your later enjoyment.

Special Guests

Photo: Shoot Me Jimmy

Photographing your wedding VIPs

I am a hobby photographer and so tend to look at things with a photographer’s eye. When I first began my profession as a marriage Celebrant I always made sure to meet with the photographer before the ceremony and just run through with them where people were going to be standing and when special things would be happening. They were all very appreciative and it made both our jobs so much easier. We were never in each other’s way and the photographer was always in the right place at the right time to get the best shot. At rehearsal it’s easy to discuss and rehearse options so that the participants are always facing the guests and don’t find themselves with their backs to them. Here are some examples:

Wedding VIPs by internet

Sometimes very special people can’t be at your wedding in person but you can have them there via the internet! Isn’t it magic when you have a record of their presence, both for you and for them too.

 The Handover

Photo: Shoot Me Jimmy

The handover or family welcome ceremony

Often this is not caught on camera because the photographer is standing with the guests or the Officiant is standing in the way. If there is going to be a family welcoming ceremony the photographer should be aware of this and it may be necessary for the Celebrant to stand aside so they are able to get the best photos.

Photographing wedding rituals

Hand-fasting is one of the beautiful rituals which can be used to include family and guests. It’s natural for those involved to come up to the couple and have their backs turned to the guests while they are tying their ribbon. If the Celebrant moves to the side and the participants are asked to face the guests, these precious moments can be captured perfectly without any fuss.


Photo: Wild Folie Weddings

Capturing the wedding vows

Time for the Celebrant to step out of shot as the couple make their personal affirmation of love to each other.

Sometimes you just know someone is going to get a big, wonderful surprise and if the photographer knows that too then you get a fabulous shot like this of an unforgettable moment!

Ring exchange for all to see

Offering the rings is another moment that often happens without anyone able to see it or the photographer having to get in people’s way to photograph it. If the person presenting the rings is asked to take the position of the wedding Officiant it’s easy for everyone to enjoy this moment and the photographer has an easy shot.

the kiss 4

Photo: The Love Story

How to photograph “The Kiss”

It’s always a shame when this very romantic and long-awaited moment is spoiled by the Celebrant standing right in the middle of the couple.
With preparation and thought it is always possible for the wedding Officiant to move to the side in time for the photographer to take a clean shot with just the happy couple.

When suppliers work together on your wedding day it makes for a wonderful, stress-free atmosphere where everyone can relax and enjoy your special day.

Here’s to collaboration!

Banner and featured photo: Trish Woodford

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