Themed weddings are so on trend right now. Everyone wants some fun and laughter in their lives. When you use a celebrant at your wedding, we guarantee a totally unique ceremony that family and friends will always remember. But there is unique and then there is…….Star Wars!
When fabulous couple Rachel and Paul wanted a Star Wars themed wedding, their lovely celebrant jumped at the chance. Read their real ceremony story below.
May the force be with you
We celebrants love themed weddings and one of the weirdest but best weddings I ever did was with Rachel and Paul, who told me they wanted a Star Wars themed wedding service.
When I first met the couple, Paula’s parents were also there and it was apparent that mum and dad were not that keen on the idea, but I reassured them that we celebrants are flexible enough to turn our hand to anything – Star Wars was a piece of cake, or, a piece of Floating Naboo Fruit, in this case.
However, in truth dear reader I had to admit that I have never seen a single Star Wars film! It was time for some serious research.
Researching a themed wedding
Part of the role of a celebrant is to tell a story – how the couple met, what they love about each other, their hopes and dreams for the future – that kind of thing. I spent time with Rachel and Paul to craft their story as I would with any wedding and then once they were happy with it, it was time to add the Star Wars elements.
My research revealed there was a lot of things I could add to the wedding ceremony – but the trick was getting it just right. Too many references and it could appear tacky – too little and people wouldn’t notice the Star Wars theme.
A Star Wars wedding ceremony
At the beginning of the service I reminded guests this particular wedding would be one they wouldn’t forget in a hurry thanks to the couple’s love of Star Wars – although the life size balloon storm troopers at the entrance to the beautiful Waterton Park Hotel in Yorkshire gave it away to be honest!
The service successfully weaved Rachel and Paul’s love story with Star Wars references which were both romantic
“Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far, away…”
– to laugh out loud one liners, such as,
“Yoda one for me”.
It helped that a young lad in the audience very usefully did an imaginary drum roll as each Star Wars reference was delivered.
Guests’ reaction to a themed wedding
The guests loved it and the laughter was infectious. Rachel and Paul were basking in the laughter and I did the whole ceremony with a huge smile on my face. Even the wedding planner at the hotel said it was the best wedding they had ever hosted.
The feel-good factor for me lasted the entire weekend and I couldn’t stop grinning when I thought about the ceremony. I had some amazing feedback from the newly-weds but also the concerned parents, who told me the ceremony had set the tone for the whole day and everyone loved it.
You won’t get anyone other than a celebrant writing a Star Wars themed wedding, or a Downton Abbey themed wedding, or a Rocky Horror Show wedding……. When we promise a unique ceremony – we mean it.
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