Looking at the pros and cons of a wedding ceremony abroad

You are engaged! Yay! Now you are thinking ahead to your Big Day and weighing up the different options.  Church wedding? Register office wedding and ceremony? Or register office and a bespoke Celebrant-led ceremony? Choosing a Celebrant-led wedding gives you the option to include religious elements, blend multi-faith traditions, embrace customs from different cultures and incorporate symbolic rituals. But the choices don’t stop there! Having officially contracted your register office marriage will you then opt for a Celebrant-led “outdoor wedding” in your own country or a “destination wedding” abroad? Outdoor wedding in your own country There is a joke that the difference between an English summer and an English winter is warm rain or cold rain. An outdoor wedding at…

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So you want to get married in Canada?

Canada is a wonderful place to get married. It has breathtaking scenery, from oceans, to lakes, to mountains, beaches, forests, Provincial and National Parks. For indoor ceremonies there are restaurants, golf and country clubs, banquet halls, theatres, art galleries, museums, beaches and boats. Best of all, you can get married in any of these places that takes your fancy. There are no residency requirements, and very best of all, in Canada one fee pays for the legalities AND your ceremony! Here are 8 essential things to know if you want to get married in Canada: 1. Licensed Officiants The way the marriage laws work here, Licensed Officiants (the Canadian word for Celebrants) can legally marry people and conduct ceremonies absolutely anywhere…

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Real Celebrant Wedding – Valeria and Joeri

Couple: Valeria and Joeri Venue: Museum – Het grachtenhuis, Amsterdam Date: 5th November 2017 Valeria and Joeri are a charming international couple. She is Italian, and he is Dutch. They live in Amsterdam. This down to earth and passionate pair love life and are inseparable. Their small intimate wedding day echoed the importance of a close-knit family, their special bond and ceremonial love songs. They wanted to keep it personable and exciting. The focus was the joining of two unique families and creating a special welcoming ambiance for everyone. The Proposal Valeria and Joeri went out for drinks to their favorite bar café Luxembourg and left for some fresh air. It was a crystal clear starry night. The moon was shining brightly. By the waterside at the Spui,…

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A Dutch wedding ceremony: 10 steps to the perfect order of events

Good news. You’re getting married in the Netherlands. Congratulations! You will love the Dutch wedding ceremony. But first, before you plunge into the planning, let’s think about the order of events. In case you don’t know, there is a format you must follow. A wedding ceremony in Holland is a little different to an English one. How? The celebrant will pronounce that you are man and wife before the first kiss. Whereas, at an English wedding, that announcement is made at the end of the ceremony. Another thing, exchanging of the rings happens immediately after you say, “yes, I do”.  Once you know the rules and regulations of a Dutch wedding, you’re set to go. I’ll walk you through the whole process… The authorities have a policy that…

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