Celebrant Superfans
We do ceremonies. You do you. Simple as. We believe that everyone deserves the chance to have a ceremony that reflects them.
Dream Big. Believe the possibilities of your desires are limited only by imagination.
#1 site for personalising your ceremony and finding your ideal celebrant and celebrant inspired venue

This is the place to find amazing celebrants and venues that put that personality into your ceremony
Our mission?
To give you everything you need so you can have the ceremony you want. FULL STOP. Yes that’s right, there’s no room for standard anymore. We won’t stand for it! You want to have a celebration that means something to you, right? This is the place to be to make that happen!
Launched in 2017, The Celebrant Directory has become the ultimate site and directory for personalising a birth, death and wedding ceremony. Yes, we are the only blog and directory that covers all angles of celebration.
We work with the best celebrants and celebrant loved venues to give you the best in the market from across the entire world. Well, most of it!
From New Zealand to Germany, the UK to Australia, we have you covered.

With the ultimate ceremony planning guides and big fat blog full of inspiration, you’ll never be lost for ideas on this site.
What's the inspiration behind the directory?
Check out the Founder, Jennifer Constant. She’s worked in the industry since 2010, shining light on Celebrancy globally. She’s even won awards for her work, yes she is that fabulous! Sit tight for just 3 minutes, she will tell you all about just how amazing this is.
How it works
Treat the directory like a one stop shop. Get inspired using the blog, find out how to plan your ceremony using the guides and then choose your ideal celebrant and venue using the directory. We have it here to add that personality into some of the most special times in life.
We know what you want. You want POW. PERSONALITY. PERSONALISED. UNIQUE. Are we right? Every ceremony deserves that and we have it here for you in abundance. We have over 550 celebrants and venues from across the globe with details about how they can make your ceremony special. Each supplier has something unique to offer. See which you click with, add them in your shortlist and give them an enquiry.
Naming ceremonies are a beautiful way to celebrate the birth of a child or a union of a family. From getting ideas about how to personalise the ceremony or even where to hold one, we’ve got you covered here. If you are thinking of a wacky outside of the box do, or a relaxed back garden ceremony, our celebrants and venues are ready and waiting to help you achieve what you are looking for.
If you are planning a loved one’s funeral, or maybe even your own, we are here for you. We know how hard these times can be, so let us help you make it easier. You have so much freedom to decide how, when, where and with whom you’d like to say the goodbyes. From natural burial grounds to stately homes, from big lavish celebration of life’s, to intimate memorials, choose from our trusted and well loved celebrants and venues that will give you that special extra comfort when you need it.
If you ever needed an excuse for a ceremony, renewing your vows is one! You may have got wed abroad and want to say your commitments to your loved ones that couldn’t attend, or you may have been together for years and years, this is the place to get planning! Search through our amazing list of celebrant loved venues and celebrants to find what ceremony type suits you.
Meetthe founder
Jennifer loves all things Celebrancy! An award winning UK and destination celebrant herself since 2010, she set up this amazing directory to showcase celebrants and the incredible industry worldwide. With no resource out there that promoted all types of ceremony, she knew it was time to get this visible.
After getting hitched by a Celebrant herself back in 2011, the addiction to personalising ceremony began. After 100’s of ceremonies, she now runs The Celebrant Directory with an incredible team of staff who are also..you guessed it, celebrants too!
Due to it’s unique position, the directory has featured in global press. From the BBC to The Times, Daily Express to Bride Magazine, to Epicure and Refinery 24, the site has definitely caused a stir. It’s shone that line on Celebrancy far and wide.

Jennifer also runs Jennifer Claire Coaching and Creative and coaches and mentors 1000’s of celebrants worldwide to grow super successful businesses. Through her group programmes, 1-2-1 mentoring and her fabulous free Facebook community, Modern Celebrant Connection, she is helping celebrants to grow their dream businesses.
She also founded, The Academy of Modern Celebrancy, an online celebrant training organisation focusing in on modern wedding and naming ceremony Celebrancy. Her training company is unlike any other. With wedding trends changing daily, her training teaches celebrants what they need to know now and in a format that works for the modern wannabee business owner.
She’s inspired every day by the work of Celebrants, the incredible change in alternative and personal weddings couples are seeking, and the surge in families choosing a more personal take on their loved one's funerals.
Jennifer’s love for all things Celebrancy has seen her featured on the BBC, Business insider, Huffington Post, Daily Express and the Metro and hundreds of international blogs. In 2019, she became an award winning author writing about her growth in businesses too.
It’s been a ride and it’s just the beginning.

Celebrants? Want to know what makes us different?
You do ceremonies. We help you get them. At The Celebrant Directory, we believe each and every couple and family is different and each and every celebrant offers a unique ceremony.
We believe in the beauty of diversity and celebrate individuality. We give couples and families the opportunity to DO THEM. Not try and be something or someone they are not.
Along with becoming a member, you are joining a celebrant superfan team and a rocking community of celebrants who LOVE what they do.
You are in a place build on love and authenticity, so jump on in, you won't look back.
Join hundreds of celebrants gaining direct and consistent leads from The Celebrant Directory.
Our Membership benefits include:
- A show-stopping online profile (one of the most comprehensive directory listings out there!)
- The ability to show off each ceremony type you offer (we're the only site out there that does this too!)
- A place to collect and showcase your amazing reviews
- Your own direct contact form, so enquiries come to your inbox
- A private and exclusive members-only community for ongoing support
- Direct access to our 'learning hub' with guest talks, blogs and additional resources to help your business grow
- Access to the exclusive, member-only library with practical business resources and tools*
*selected membership packages only
Supplier Love
With over 400 suppliers featured on the site, we are well and truly CEREMONY PERSONALISERS! We love each and they give us that supplier love right back at us!

Apply Todayand join hundreds of other celebrants
receiving enquiries direct to their inbox