(1) Thank you for visiting The Celebrant Directory (“we”, “The Celebrant Directory”, “TCD” , “our”, “Provider”, or “us”) and we are honoured to provide the opportunity to match our listed, authorised Celebrant (“Member” or “Supplier”) or Advertising Partners (“Partners”) or Training Organisations (“Training Organisations”) with our website (“Site”) visitors (“Users”) in preparation for your life occasion ceremony. A life occasion ceremony on this site is defined as a wedding, renewal of vows, baby naming/naming ceremony or funeral/celebration of life, ceremony.
(2) The terms and conditions set forth in this General Terms and Conditions of Use Agreement (“Agreement”) set out the parameters for users, suppliers, partners or training organisations visiting, registering with and interacting with others on and via the site. By using the site you agree to be bound by and agree to this Agreement in its entirety.
(3) We as the Provider take no responsibility for the contact between any user and supplier. At no point does TCD become aware of, involved in or become party to any contractual arrangement that may arise between a user and supplier as a result of an interaction via this site. Should any dispute arise between any parties, we are not responsible and would not intervene or mediate any such situation.
(4) The site offers the facility to register with the provider, save information against a registered profile and access once again at the users or suppliers convenience. This site intends to be available 24/7, but we cannot be held responsible should the site inadvertently be affected by an Information Technology, political, or criminal issue that is beyond our control. The provider will do everything possible to ensure the site is online and available for our users, suppliers and partners on a 24/7 basis.
(5) Please read this Agreement carefully before using the Website as you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions and if you do not agree with all terms and conditions you may not access the Website
(1) The Celebrant Directory offers a search facility with a listing of authorised Celebrants by country, region, location, experience, reviews, skills, availability and any other criteria relevant to the user being able to identify, locate and interact with (contact) a Celebrant for a wedding, baby naming, renewal of wedding vows or funeral ceremony.
(2) There are no limitations as to who can use the site in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, religious beliefs or any other factor but it is assumed that a user will be an individual or individuals searching for a celebrant, looking for inspirational ideas relating to a wedding, naming ceremony, renewal of vows or funeral, accessing our blog, or interacting with any advertising partners and that they are of legal consenting age to do so without prior permission being required from any other person.
(3) This site does not offer the facility to verify a users age or other information and so it is the sole responsibility of all users to input correct, truthful information. TCD does not accept any responsibility for users incorrect information or data being input.
(4) This site allows the user to access the profile of individuals who they may or may not choose to interact with and will have the facility to contact an individual via the site by way of either a secure email from a registered user account to an email address provided by the Celebrant themselves on their profile. Or a user can contact a Celebrant by navigating externally to the Celebrants website after having initially located their details on this site.
(5) A user can register with the site in order to save favourite celebrants they have located via a search facility. Upon registering, it is the users responsibility to ensure they provide accurate, truthful information at all times. This information must not be inflammatory, derogatory, offensive or illegal in any way and any we reserve the right to remove any such information at any time without prior warning. All users will be able to securely log into their account add and access any favourite celebrants they have identified and compose and receive emails from any individual.
(6) We do not accept responsibility for any of this information being incorrect as it is the responsibility of the user to ensure their information is correct and truthful upon registering and at all times.
(7) All user information will be held securely by TCD using industry recognised security encryption facilities and no data or information will be shared externally with other partners or parties.
(8) Should any reported information or behaviour pertaining to any user be deemed unacceptable by us, it or they may immediately be removed without warning as no offensive behaviour in any way will be tolerated.
(9) Furthermore, the user may be banned from using the site again should the issue be of serious concern such by us or any relevant authorities we choose to share the information with should we be legally required to do so.
(1) A supplier is deemed to be an authorised Celebrant who can create a public profile with TCD in order for it to be searched for, located and viewed by users. The supplier can edit, upload photos and/or videos to their profiles and their access is authorised at every initial stage upon the creation of a profile with TCD.
(2) All suppliers agree to be fully bound by the financial agreement relating to their membership they enter into at the time of creating a profile or upon which point that their membership is renewed after expiration.
(3) Monthly membership payments will be required without exception in line with the financial contract the supplier enters into with the provider until the expiration of any such contract. These payments will automatically be taken from the nominated bank account using the details provided by the supplier. It is the responsibility of the supplier to ensure this information is up to date and any resulting payment failure may be met with a penalty.
(4) Annual supplier membership financial agreements are for a period of 12 calendar months and one payment is taken by the provider at the initiation of such contract for a full annual membership. TCD reserves the right at any time to cancel an arrangement should the supplier break any terms of this agreement or for matters outside of our control. Any refund that is due, should this is occur will be returned to the supplier in full at the first possible opportunity.
(5) We reserve the right to contact suppliers who have entered into a financial contract with TCD at any time during its defined timeframe in order to discuss an existing contract, any arrears that may be owed, current and future promotions or membership renewals relating to this site and their membership.
(6) Failure to adhere to any previously entered into financial contact with TCD may result in supplier details being shared with a third party such as a debt collection agency should it be deemed necessary.
(7) Suppliers will be given access to their TCD profile without limitations and is intended to be 24/7. It is the suppliers responsibility to ensure their profile information is truthful and accurate at all times.
(8) The Celebrant Directory is not responsible for the content on individual profiles being up to date, inaccurate, inflammatory, derogatory, unclear, grammatically incorrect or any other subjective aspect of typical online profile information that users or suppliers may perceive.
(9) We do not accept any offensive material to be posted and to be viewed by any user or supplier and any such material should immediately be brought to our attention using our contact email address for us to address the concern with the relevant parties.
(10) Any reported offensive information or behaviour pertaining to any supplier be deemed unacceptable by us, it or they may immediately be removed without warning as no offensive behaviour in any way will be tolerated. Furthermore, the supplier may be banned from using the site again should the issue be of serious concern such by us or any relevant authorities we choose to share the information with should we be legally required to do so.
(11) A supplier is entitled to de-register or have their profile removed from the site at any time and can do so by contacting us. This will be automatically considered as separate to any membership fees or prior financial agreement entered into and all suppliers must agree without limitation that they will continue to honour any financial agreement they have entered into with TCD for the defined time period and until its mutually agreed expiration.
(12) Upon making a request to have a supplier profile removed from the site, we will ensure users cannot search for the profile on this site only. TCD cannot be held responsible for any subsequent contact between a user and supplier.
(1) Suppliers will be given the opportunity to pay for a featured listing in addition to their previously agreed membership fees under the agreement they entered into, to appear on the homepage of this site in the Featured Celebrants section.
(2)Suppliers must agree without limitation that their featured profile information can appear on the homepage of this site and that their details are correct at all times as it will directly link to the profile they create and are responsible for.
(3)The intended timeframe of each featured listing will be two weeks but we reserve the right to make any changes to this section. Any changes that may impact upon a suppliers featured listing will be notified to the affected parties.
(4)Only Celebrants who meet the review criteria requirements will be authorised to list in this section. Each supplier must have at least 1 review on their profile to become a featured celebrant.
(5)TCD will actively manage a waiting list for all celebrants seeking a featured profile/advertisement on this site and will act responsibly and fairly in all instances to ensure nobody is disadvantaged in any way.
(6)Any previously agreed financial agreement or payment for becoming a featured celebrant for the defined period of time, will be made directly to the Provider and separate to that of the ongoing membership fees. The Provider will ensure the Supplier has the nominated bank account to make a secure payment to for these services.
(7)Upon receipt of payment for this service, the Provider will confirm to the Supplier as well as when the feature is due or scheduled to go live in line with any active current waiting list that may be relevant at the time.
(1)Suppliers will be required to have real, correct and truthful reviews from previous customers they have worked with and for, attached to their profile. Suppliers will have the ability to encourage their customers to provide a review to the site in order for it be attached to the relevant Celebrant profile.
(2)All members must agree without limitation that these reviews can be shared, accessed and attributed to multiple sections of this site. It is the suppliers responsibility to ensure they provide correct, truthful reviews at all times. TCD may contact any parties involved to verify information at any time. Should any information be reported contrary to this, we reserve the right to remove it at any time.
(1)Advertising partners will have the opportunity to have their services and products promoted on this site by way of a previously agreed advertisement in a specified location or locations for a defined period of time between the Provider and Partner.
(2)An authorised person or persons representing the Partner will submit reasonable content within the parameters defined by the Provider, to the Provider for them to construct a suitable advertisement on the site. Alternatively the Partner can submit a suitable advertisement of their own to appear on the site within the parameters set out and agreed upon between both parties.
(3)The provider will design an advertisement within the commercially acceptable standards and within the specified parameters of the location chosen by the partner.
(4)The provider will liaise with the authorised person representing the partner in order to authorise the advertisement, its content, structure, location and any other elements before going live.
(5)Partners agree without exception that content provided can be used throughout the site and that they have the legal right to use the content.
(6)The provider reserves the right to refuse to use material submitted that is deemed to be offensive, unlawful or not suitable.
(7)A financial agreement will be entered into between Provider and Partner and the Provider will make clear during any interactions what they will offer in return for a specified fee. Should this be unclear at any time, it is the responsibility of the Partner to seek clarification and confirmation before entering into any such agreement.
(8)Any payment for this service should be securely made using directly to the Provider bank account once this information has been shared.
(9)Receipt of payment and agreement between Provider and Partner will confirm advertisement initiation.
(1)Training Organisations will have the opportunity to have their services and products promoted on this site by way of a previously agreed advertisement in a specified location or locations for a defined period of time between the Training Organisation and Provider.
(2)An authorised person or persons representing the Training Organisation will submit reasonable content within the parameters defined by the Provider, to the Provider for them to construct a suitable advertisement on the site. Alternatively the Training Organisation can submit a suitable advertisement of their own to appear on the site within the parameters set out and agreed upon between both parties.
(3)The provider will design an advertisement within the commercially acceptable standards and within the specified parameters of the location chosen by the Training Organisation.
(4)The provider will liaise with the authorised person representing the Training Organisation in order to authorise the advertisement, its content, structure, location and any other elements before going live.
(5)Training Organisations agree without exception that content provided can be used throughout the site and that they have the legal right to use the content.
(6)The provider reserves the right to refuse to use material submitted that is deemed to be offensive, unlawful or not suitable.
(7)A financial agreement may be entered into between Provider and Training Organisation and the Provider will make clear during any interactions what they will offer in return for a specified fee. Should this be unclear at any time, it is the responsibility of the Training Organisation to seek clarification and confirmation before entering into any such agreement.
(8)Any payment for this service should be securely made using directly to the Provider bank account once this information has been shared.
(9)Receipt of payment and agreement between Provider and Training Organisation will confirm advertisement initiation.
(1)All data held by the Provider will be stored securely and in line with data protection obligations. No user or supplier information will be shared externally with any third party unless in exception.
(2)The exception to the sharing of supplier data with a third party pertains to a failure by a supplier to adhere to their previously entered into and agreed upon financial arrangement. At which point, a debt collection agency may be contacted and the supplier information shared.
(3)User data may also be shared externally, by exception, should it be required to do so by the provider for any legal or criminal reason.
(4)No credit card or payment details are taken by the provider through its membership process as industry standard encryption methods are used by the third party payment provider of which suppliers agree to be bound by at the point of initiating a membership, on an ongoing basis as part of that agreement or by renewing a membership.
(5)Payments made separately to the Provider by way of direct bank transfer to Santander for advertising or featured listings, will be acknowledged and should be done so securely by the Supplier, Partner or Training Organisation at all times. No Supplier, Partner or Training Organisation bank information is necessary to be taken by the Provider.
(1)All content on this site is protected by copyright with database rights being owned by TCD without exception. Any infringement in using this content is not accepted may be met with financial implications for the offending party.
(2)Users and suppliers agree that they have the legal right and/or consent by any required party, to share or submit any content including images, videos, text, music related material or anything else.
(3)The provider does not accept any responsibility for user or supplier information being accurate or correct but will ensure all commercial actions are taken that are necessary to comply.
(4)The reproduction of this site in its entirety or in part is not permitted and no visitor is entitled to make changes to this site without consent.
(1)No visitor, user, supplier, partner or any other person or entity is entitled to monitor, adjust or affect this site by way of robotic means, using automatic devices or with any tool with malicious intent.
(2)Users cannot use this site for any other purpose than those it is intended for, searching, locating, reviewing and contacting a Celebrant/supplier, creating, accessing or updating a user account/profile, using the site for inspiration by way of accessing the blog or guidance material, or interacting with an advertising partner or training organisation.
(3)Suppliers cannot use this site for any other purpose than those it is intended for such as creating, accessing or updating their profile information, contacting users that have messaged them, accessing training material or for upgrading their account with a feature.
(4)Partners and training organisations cannot use this site for any other purpose than those it is intended for such as listing their training organisation contact material or creating and updating a profile.
(5)No user, supplier, partner, training organisation or any other visitor is authorised to submit, publish or share any information that is unlawful, false, incorrect, fraudulent, misleading or anything else that could lead to civil or criminal liability.
(6)No user, supplier, partner, training organisation or any other visitor can use this site to post abusive, defamatory, indecent and sexually explicit or any other unlawful information, images or material. Any such breach may result in this information being shared with the authorities without prior warning given to the offending party.
(1)The provider is not liable for any loss of profits or any resulting damages by any supplier, advertising partner, training organisation and/or user as a result of using this site or through any transaction that may take place between any two (or more) parties.
(2)Should any party not agree with these terms, your sole right exists to not use the website.
All users, suppliers, training organisations, advertising partners and other visitors agree by accessing the site to be bound by this agreement. Should any dispute arise, arbitration is only accepted on an individual basis not that of a class action or jury trial and every endeavour shall be taken to resolve any dispute with the affected party. Remedies available to any affected party concerning a dispute are limited.