A friend recommended Sue as a celebrant who was kind, compassionate, gentle and understanding with the bereaved but also who would guide me along the path of organising the celebration of my dear mum who lived to a great age but who had been ill for many years and consequently I was a complete wreck emotionally and physically and my mind was tired. Sue gave me time and nudges to consider how I wanted the service to progress and reminded me that it could take any road I wanted and I didn’t have to stick to the norm. So I did and it was a brilliant way to remember my mum. I was happy, mum would have approved and Sue gave me the confidence I needed. The finishing touches to the afternoon was the beautiful copy of the whole service with all the tributes written by the family together and everyone received a keepsake envelope with a picture of mum on it and forget me not seeds inside. So so lovely. I can’t thank Sue enough for the time she took to get everything absolutely right.

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Sue Hill