Last week you performed the wedding ceremony for my daughter, Katy and her husband Paddy.
May I just say what a marvellous job you did?
Everyone present was commenting afterwards how impressed they were with your style and management of the whole affair.
You managed to introduce a huge element of joy and fun whilst also maintaining the appropriate level of solemnity and dignity to such a significant occasion.
Whilst the ceremony necessarily involved some degree of formality, to the promises especially, you skilfully adapted the format to personalise it perfectly to match Katy’s and Paddy’s wishes.
I don’t imagine I’ll often be in a position to recommend a celebrant to would-be married couples but if I ever were, you’d be my Number One suggestion. Katy and Paddy were so lucky to find you.
Congratulations again and thank you so much for such a lovely ceremony, which set the joyous tone for the whole of the day.
Very best regards,

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Jane Blackman