Darren and I got married during covid restrictions when we were only allowed 15 people present. We had the big bash that we had originally planned for our wedding as our 1 year anniversary celebration and wanted a ceremony for those who had been unable to attend the legal wedding to witness & join in on and for it to be different to the legal wedding for those that had been at the legal wedding.

Judy took time to get to know us and our story and put together a beautiful love story as part of our ceremony that was very moving (it bought a tear to my eye); as well as having humorous moments.

Our reading was Guess How Much I Love You and Judy was certainly on board with our idea of getting the guests to join in with the actions to go with it – which livened the ceremony up and has led to some interesting wedding photos.

At Judy’s suggestion we named the sections of the ceremony so they had a connection to one of our hobbies/interests. We found this worked very well with game show titles.

It was a thoroughly enjoyable ceremony and several of our guests commented on how good it and Judy were.

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Judy Wayman