Everyone needs a Pam

When we were in the process of rearranging our wedding due to covid, the only ideal date left this year at our venue was a date there was no registrar available. We decided to wing it a little bit and rethink the whole way we did things, and that’s when we found Pam! It was the best decision.

We got legally married on a different day and our wedding ceremony with Pam was so much more personal than it would otherwise have been. Due to restrictions, all our meetings were over Zoom but she made us feel at ease with our decision right away and planning got exciting again. We were able to choose exactly what we wanted to include within our ceremony and Pam put it all together into the most beautiful ceremony with just the right input of fun.

We met Pam for the first time on our wedding day but we already felt like we knew her by this point. Our guests loved her and remarked how special the ceremony was and that it was very us. Pam will help make your event nothing but the best.

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Pamela Sydney-Bussey