Our Special Day

Thank you for everything Nell… you have a beautiful soul. We can’t thank you enough for making our day so special. Much love from the Lenneys xxx

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Nell Brooker

Authentic Handfastings with the hoop & wand and heart-centred ceremonies for life’s transitions.I hold space in sacred celebrancy supporting people with ceremonies for funerals (traditional and holistic for people & pets), unions (bespoke Celtic handfasting & vow renewal), identity rites (naming & gender affirmation), uncoupling & tie cutting, fire & water ceremonies, land & house blessings.I’m privileged to be able to listen to people’s stories and create ceremonies to honour their lives. I enjoy delivering outdoor ceremonies and supporting people to find environmentally friendly and affordable options.IPHM certificate in Sacred Celebrancy awarded by the Sacred Celebrant’s Academy, Glastonbury. NOCN Level 3 in Funeral Celebrancy awarded by Civil Ceremonies.